Monday, October 11, 2010

Easy come, Easy go

Frankly I don’t often write. Yet, I feel compelled to write after listening to my favourite radio programme today.

Writing just becomes easy suddenly: I take out a piece of paper and start writing, looking forward to seeing what the final product will be like (as, admittedly, this is my first time to follow my heart).

This is a little ironic, for I was once so used to Free Writing, the kind of homework that my Native English Teacher (NET), Mr. Robert Beula, introduced.

Robert (back then I did not – and dare not call him “Robert”. Thinking back, I recall greeting him as “Sir”, and I find it embarrassing to death now) invites all students in class to hand in a piece of Free Writing weekly. Robert “invites” us because we are not really required to do it as homework; he simply encourages us. Also the writing is “free” because he tells us that we would have no topic to write on; you can just follow your heart, as Robert usually puts it.

Finally I realise what it means to follow my heart.

But I think my laptop has just spoiled all this. As I’m typing, I no longer want to write. So, I believe I’m a writing person – not a “typer” (luckily).

I wish I could make writing a new habit of mine. (though I’d better stop now)

Easy come, easy go. Perhaps that’s what writing is like.

So, here’s a piece of advice to those who want to write well: Do not pee (or drink) and shit (or eat) while writing.

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